
Posts Tagged ‘Tiger woods and Rachel Uchitel’

Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren skiing in Europe!

In Sports, Tiger Woods on January 2, 2010 at 12:39 pm

Tiger Woods’ wife Elin Nordegren is skiing in Europe this weekend, with Tiger Woods nowhere in sight. According to reports, Tiger Woods continues to see his mistress Rachel Uchitel setting aside all all the hoopla that he is remorseful about having more than a dozen mistresses.

Elin Woods celebrated New Year’s without Tiger Woods at a chalet in France near the swank Chamonix resort. She spent the holidays with her nearest and dearest, the media reported.

Nordegren, 29, is said to have arrived in France a couple of days after Christmas with her twin sister Josefin and five close pals, London’s Sun magazine first reported.

They stayed in a posh seven-bedroom chalet away from the main resort, and the mother-of-two spent most of her time inside.

Elin Woods did venture out once to hit the slopes but turned back because of rain, and she had an expensive dinner with friends on New Year’s Eve, the magazine said.

Reports also say that despite Tiger Woods cheating with more than a dozen mistresses, Elin Woods is considering reconciliation with Tiger Woods.

“She has been absolutely torn to pieces by what he has done to her. But she still sees a future with Tiger because of the beautiful children they have,” an insider told the Sun magazine.

“She told him she needed a lengthy time apart to reflect on how they might possibly salvage the marriage.”

We wonder what Woods’ and Elin’s fans and critics have to say about all this!

Meanwhile reports have merged that Florida State police officers had examined the upper body of Tiger Woods for injuries during a meeting with them last month. Private TV station WESH in Florida made the disclosure.

Tiger Woods reportedly lifted up his shirt, said the station, during the December 1 meeting so that the troopers could discern if he had any additional injuries after his SUV crash.

The meeting took place four days after the post-Thanksgiving car crash that blew the lid off Tiger Woods’ infidelities, one of the biggest sex scandals in sports history.

Despite rumors that she roughed him up, Woods’ wife, Elin Nordegren, was not charged with domestic abuse, as police determined Tiger Woods suffered “only a fat lip”.

This report casts further doubt on the rumors going around that a scorned Elin messed up Tiger so bad with a 9-iron that he needed plastic surgery on his face.

It is widely believed that an enraged Elin Woods chased Tiger Woods out of his house with a golf club and smashed the windows of his car in the minutes before he crashed.

She was never charged in the incident, however. Tiger was issued a traffic ticket and that was that. He has not been seen by anyone since Dec. 1.

Meanwhile news reports have said AT&T has also dumped the golf icon.

Tiger Woods IN REHAB or back WITH MISTRESS Rachel Uchitel?

In Lifestyle, Sports, Tiger Woods on December 30, 2009 at 1:58 am

Tiger Woods is attending rehab in Arizona for ‘sex addiction’, “sexual compulsion” and Vicodin and Ambien use.

Woods’ “handlers” compelled him to enter rehab because “they feel that if he blames his cheating on addiction, the public will forgive him,” reported X17 website.

Meanwhile, another report says scandal-hit Tiger Woods was recently spotted partying with alleged mistress Rachel Uchitel in Florida.

Rachel Uchitel was the first woman alleged to have had an affair with Tiger Woods, and in recent weeks more information has come to light about the night club hostess.

The golf legend has been away from the media spotlight ever since the news of his alleged link-ups with 18 women broke.

Some believe Woods and Uchitel are still seeing each other now, and her lawyer won’t comment on the rumors.

But sources told a US TV show that Woods, 33, and Uchitel, 34, were seen holding hands at a party in Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday night.

The show’’s website also reported the pair partied together the previous night at a club.

According to Entertainment Tonight, they are also living together in a Florida resort.

While Uchitel was photographed in the area, Woods has not been seen at all since the sex scandal broke, reports the Sun.

Tiger Woods refuses to give interview to cops for 'third time'

In Lifestyle, Sports, Tiger Woods on November 30, 2009 at 10:56 am

DesPardes Monitor

Tiger Woods seems to have finally spoken up and has said that the SUV crash was a 'private affair'. He has presented his side of the car-crash story to the Floriday Highway Patrol (FHP) and asked  that it remain "a private matter". But he may still not be in the clear.

Troopers arriving at Tiger woods' home requesting an interview were turned down for a third straight day, but FHP said it will continue to investigate.

Questions remain:

—Where he was going at that time of the night?

—How did he lose control of his SUV at such a speed that the air bags didn't deploy?

—Why were both rear windows of the Cadillac Escalade smashed?

—If it was a careless mistake, why not speak to state troopers trying to wrap the investigation?

TMZ reported today that the Florida authorities(FHP) were now focusing on obtaining a search warrant — allowing them to seize medical records from the hospital that treated Tiger Woods — in an attempt to determine if the wounds Woods sustained are consistent with a car accident or domestic violence.

We're told authorities believe they can show probable cause a crime was committed, a necessary step in obtaining a warrant, TMZ wrote on their website.

One big piece of evidence showing probable cause … sources told TMZ that Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren told FHP troopers she went looking for Tiger in a golf cart, came upon the accident and then used a golf club to break the window to gain entry. That's a very different story from what she first told Windemere cops shortly after the accident — she never mentioned a golf cart. Nordegren told Windemere police she had walked out of her house, saw the crash, went back inside to get a golf club and returned to the vehicle.

Meanwhile tabloid-filled-rumors continue to roam in the public domain. The question now is whether Tiger Woods will dump his new-found friend and go back to Elin or stay with his friend who is being dubbed as the alleged mistress Rachel Uchitel?:

Woods is in the news, but not for his game this time. His alleged relationship with socialite and model Rachel Uchitel has thrown him into a new fishbowl. Some reports said the woman in question was a Nightclub Waitress.

She has previously been linked to married actor David Boreanaz and is now reported to have had an affair with Tiger Woods.

The relationship is yet to be confirmed or denied, as Tiger has not opened his mouth regarding this. Neither Rachel has said anything. Earlier reports said that Tiger Woods met an accident and got badly hurt and that his other half Elin rescued him out of the SUV with a "golf club".



TMZ.com confirmed over the Thanksgiving weekend that it was his supermodel wife Elin Nordegren, who scratched his face arguing about  the "other woman" and his alleged relationship with her.

Woods has issued a statement saying, it was an accident only and that it was nothing more than that. Woods wrote on his website, “The only person responsible for this accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me.

Before this, TMZ.com reported that Woods wanted to give his wife a “Kobe Special” after the fight – referring to the $4 million purple diamond ring basketball star Kobe Bryant bought his wife, Vanessa, after he was acquitted of rape charges in 2003.

Uchitel – the alleged woman in the Woods love triangle, started out as a television producer at Bloomberg, the business news company, and, with eyewitness accounts from her fiancé, investment banker Andy O'Grady, helped to report the early stages of 9/11.

When the second plane hit the South Tower he vanished, and she spent the following days wandering the streets of New York looking for answers.

Two years later, she suffered a nervous breakdown. "I couldn't get through the day," she told The New York Times in a later interview.

In 2004, she married Wall Street trader Steven Ehrenkranz, who she had known since childhood, but the marriage collapsed four months later and the couple divorced.

Uchitel moved to Las Vegas and became a VIP hostess at Tao, nightclub and restaurant. The move represented a return to her roots – her grandparents had owned New York's El Morocco club in the 1960s, which was reputedly frequented by celebrities including JFK and Cary Grant.

She moved back to New York to further her new career last year, working as a VIP hostess at clubs in Manhattan and the Hamptons, the high-end coastal resort.

She is said to have first met Woods in June at Manhattan's Griffin nightclub, and according to American tabloids, visited him during a recent trip he took to Australia. She has admitted staying at the same hotel as the star but denies any wrongdoing.

“Despite it being completely untrue, it still must have certainly caused some problems at home – if I was his wife, I probably would have killed him,” Uchitel told The News of The World.

“This is nothing to do with me. The claims are completely false. We have never had an affair, talked on the phone or sent any type of text, sexy or not. I’m really upset about it because I’m being portrayed as a home-wrecker, when it simply isn’t true.”

In a bid to finally put paid to the rumours, she has now contracted the high-profile celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred. Miss Allred has previously represented Paula Jones in her sexual harassment case against former US President Bill Clinton, and Nicole Brown Simpson's family in the OJ Simpson case.  (MAMOSA)